Saturday, December 13, 2008


Tre gak bisa pulang dari rumah sakit hari ini soalnya kuning,

ada beberapa alasan kenapa bayi bisa kuning,

salah satunya yaitu golongan darah bayi yg berbeda dari ibunya (sumber: dokter anak di RS),

jadi Tre harus nginap di rumah sakit lagi semalam untuk disinar 1 x 24 jam guna menghilangkan kuningnya.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Trafford Winata (40 weeks)

Selasa, 09 Desember 2008
Sekitar jam 4 pagi perut dah mulai mules2 ringan...waktu aku hitung intervalnya masih kira2 20 menit an, lama kontraksi masih sebentar banget.
Jam 5 sore ama Hendry diantar ke dokter, diperiksa dalem, posisi kepala masih tinggi mungkin dalam 2 hari bisa lahir kata dokternya. Masih makan di Goota n jalan2 di PTC ama Hendry, niatnya biar anaknya cepet lahir :p
Perjalanan pulang ke Sidoarjo jam 8an malam interval kontraksi kok semakin dekat, sekitar 10 menit an, tapi aku cek blom ada tanda2 melahirkan (flek di cd / air ketuban pecah). Hendry akhirnya mutusin untuk nginep juga di Sidoarjo soalnya jaga2 kalo tengah malem ada apa2.

Rabu, 10 Desember 2008
00.30 WIB Telpon ke dr. Amang, soalnya interval kontraksi dah 5 menit an, lama kontraksi bisa 1-2 menit n dah mulai kerasa sakitnya (mirip kalo lagi dateng bulan). Dokter suruh aku berangkat ke rumah sakit untuk di cek (btw, akhirnya setelah plin plan ama rumah sakit, kita malah milih ke RS. Mitra Keluarga soalnya paling deket kalo dari tol).

Sampe di rumah sakit sekitar jam 1 an, ke lantai 3 ke bagian bersalin nanya ama suster jaga disana, permisi sus, ruang bersalinnya di sebelah mana ya? susternya ngeliatin aku ama Hendry kayak orang nyasar sambil bilang, oh di sebelah sana (sambil nunjuk) maaf ada perlu apa ya? Trus aku jawab, saya mau melahirkan sus. Dengan sedikit shock n sadar trus dia anter aku ke ruang bersalin sambil minta maaf, maaf bu, perutnya soalnya gak keliatan jadi saya kira mau besuk orang.....CAPE DEH!!
Di ruang bersalin diperiksa lagi, belum ada bukaan sama sekali, tapi dokter dah gak bolehin pulang ato pergi (padahal kelaparan waktu itu). Akhirnya aku stay di ruang bersalin, Hendry pergi ke Mc D ngopi n ngemil sambil nunggu kabar.

Jam 3an aku pipis keluar darahnya, aku info ke susternya dia cuma bilang gak papa bu sambil tidur aja supaya tenaganya banyak untuk melahirkan nanti. Waktu itu kontraksi dah semakin terasa sakitnya, tapi aku masih gak terlalu ngerasain soalnya mirip kalo lagi dateng bulan hari pertama.

Jam 6 pagi, periksa dalem lagi dah pembukaan 3, tetep masih disuruh istirahat di ruang bersalin. Hendry turun ke bawah buat urus administrasi kamar inap.

Jam 10 lagi2 periksa dalem (I really hate this part, sakitnya ampun2 n suster2nya tangannya giant2 lagi!!) masih pembukaan 4.

Jam 12 siang air ketuban tiba2 pecah, diperiksa dalem masih pembukaan 4. Badan dah mulai kerasa capek, soalnya semaleman gak bobok enak, kontraksinya juga dah mulai semakin kuat.
Waktu itu mama dah dateng buat nemenin Hendry nungguin aku. Karena air ketuban dah pecah duluan sebelum pembukaan lengkap, dr. Amang dateng untuk cek. Dia bilang mungkin sore kalo gak malem lahir, dan karena air ketuban dah pecah duluan, bayi yang ada dalam kandungan dah ada contact ama dunia luar, untuk mencegah infeksi aku dikasi antibiotik. Sambil kasi semua info itu, si dokter juga ngajarin teknik pernafasan n relaksasi untuk menghadapi gelombang kontraksi yang lebih hebat katanya. Pokoknya kalo aku bisa ngelewati pembukaan 7 ato 8 n masih kuat berarti aku bisa ngelahirin normal. Sambil berusaha istirahat aku memikirkan aku harus kuat pokoknya.
Jam 4 sore, badanku dah lemes bgt soalnya kurang tidur n kontraksi2nya dah semakin kuat n menguras tenaga. Terakhir diperiksa dalem masih pembukaan 6, aku sampe hampir2 give up nunggunya, tapi tetep aku mikir harus bertahan.

Sekitar jam 5 sore, dah kayak gak kuat apa2 lagi, mata dah gak bisa buka, tiap kontraksi dateng dah gak bisa relaksasi lagi saking sakitnya, n dah kerasa kayak mo ngeden terus (tapi takut ngeden ntar bayi nongol duluan sebelum dokter dateng kan berabe :p). Aku dah bolak balik bilang ama susternya kalo anaknya dah mo lahir, susternya tetep ama jawaban kalo disuruh simpen tenaga sambil tunggu dokternya dateng. Tapi waktu itu mereka dah mulai sibuk siap2in semua barang2 yang diperlukan buat kelahiran bayinya ntar (ternyata dokternya kena macet jam pulang kerja n susternya gak mau bikin aku panik jadi mereka diem2 aja, waktu mamaku nanya ternyata bukaan dah 10 lebih!!)

Gak lama setelah itu, dokternya muncul masih dengan pakaian lengkap gak pake embel2 aku langsung dikasi instruksi untuk siap2 melahirkan. Dia dah gak sempat ganti baju lagi n begitu dokternya muncul, mama ama Hendry pada keluar dari ruang bersalin soalnya dua2nya gak kuat liat darah n gak tega liat aku sakit katanya. Begitu aku siap, hanya dengan dua kali mengejan bayinya dah lahir tanpa rasa sakit sama sekali!! (padahal aku dah bayangin kalo proses melahirkannya bakalan jauh lebih sakit dari kontraksi2 yg aku rasain sebelumnya).

Lahir tanpa tangisan langsung (kelilit tali usus 2 kali, tapi setelah dibuka n ditepuk2 pantatnya, langsung berteriak pada dunia), panjang 48 cm, berat 3,280 kg.

Terima kasih untuk penyertaan Tuhan, bantuan dr. Amang Surya SpOG dan suster2 di RS. Mitra Keluarga Surabaya, support dari keluarga dan teman2 semuanya.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Change of plan (37 weeks)

At the very last minute, for some reasons I have to change my obsgyn...
Previously we planned to have dr. Pudjo to help with the baby delivery, but there's a change of plan. We're going to have dr. Amang instead of dr. Pudjo. One of the many reasons is that he supports IMD (Inisiasi Menyusui Dini). For the hospital choice it will still be Husada Utama or Mitra Keluarga.
We went to see dr. Amang and found that he' s a very patient and detailed doctor.
He explained every bit of the details we should know and prepare during the labour process.
We also had the chance to peek at our baby's face and gosh! his cheeks are sooooo plump.
Can't wait to see him soon!
As for now, I find it harder and harder to sleep well at night, 'coz my back is really killing me (at any position and at any time). Moreover, the frequency of the baby hiccups is getting more frequent lately. I'm quite worried, but after I browsed I concluded that it's natural and perfectly fine for him to hiccup frequently.
Counting down the days now.....

Monday, November 17, 2008

Excited! (36 weeks)

It's now 36 weeks, the baby is officially perfectly developed and is safe to be delivered at any time. We went to the doctor for our check-up routines. My blood pressure is 110/70, doctor said that it's fine. My total weight gain is 8kgs and the baby weighs about 3 kgs (OMG!! he's big!!!).
We have decided to take Husada Utama as our choice for delivering the baby, and doctor had already written a letter for the hospital so that I can check in anytime.
Starting from next week I'm going to stay at my mom's place at Sidoarjo, and will stay there until the baby is 1 month old. I guess I have to start packing for my stuff really soon. Everything is basically ready, all the clothes and necessities are already washed and arranged neatly at my mom's house (will take a picture of my room there if I have the time), I am also quite ready and excited to deliver the baby :p as now I am having a really aching back pain when I sleep at night :)
Anyways, I will just enjoy having him inside now, as from the moment he's born, he's gonna change our life for sure!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Laundry Day (34 weeks)

Just gave the doctor another visit,
My blood pressure is normal 120/80, my weight gained about 7,5 kgs since April,
USG showed that Tre's head is already positioned below my waist,
he weighs about 2,5 kgs (hiks...I guess my baby is quite big),
and if everything goes on as scheduled I will give birth as scheduled.
I will visit the doctor again at week 36.

Yesterday we took the chance to check on the hospitals that we were given to choose.
One is Husada Utama and the other one is Ramsay Health Care (previously known as HCOS).
I personally would prefer HCOS, but considering the price and the convenience,
Husada Utama is still a better choice....
So, we're still undecided.

Another thing that we did yesterday was shopping for some baby stuffs.
Luckily we already have the baby playpen, stroller (thx to cik de) and some 2nd hand clothes for newborn from my sister in law and cik de, so we saved quite a sum of money.
We shopped for the necessary stuffs first and will buy the rest of the needs later on after the baby is born, as our financial priority is still for the hospital fee :p

Today I washed all the clothes (the new ones and the 2nd hand ones), pack them and will bring everything down to Sidoarjo (my mom's house). 2 weeks before giving birth I will stay over at my mom's house as we didn't want to take the risk to travel across Porong in emergency cases. And I will also stay there until the baby is 1 month old and strong enough for me to handle him by myself.

I really do hope that everything will go on smoothly,
coz the more I read about pregnancy stuff, the more I get noervous about the whole thing :p
Wish me luck friends!

Monday, September 22, 2008

On holiday (28 weeks)

Today is the first day of the school term holiday + the lebaran holiday....
I now have time to open blogs and update mine :)
This is a snapshot of myself about 2 weeks ago,
it was taken by the request of auntie Gie who asked about my tummy size.
At this point, I have already gained about 5 kgs since April,
and the baby itself is about 1,2 kgs.
The baby is now definitely a BOY, as we can already see his penis very clearly.
He's now very active inside, moves a lot (especially when I am hungry :p) and sometimes gives a very good kick at unexpected moments, especially when I sleep facing the right side!
He's predicted to arrive in this world at around 6 - 1o Dec 2008.
I'm pretty excited and anxious about the whole thing.
I guess we still stick to the name that we have planned for him,
and we are calling him "Tre" when we are communicating with him.
We were thinking about taking the 4D USG but we found out that it was very wxpensive indeed, so we decided not to go with it and satisfied enough with the 2D USG.
Next month, we will start shopping some essential baby stuff and daddy is pretty excited to get some of the things that he already saw at the baby needs store.
Anyways, congrats to auntie Yun for giving birth to healthy baby KIM :) I hope we will meet soon.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

It's Been A While (21 week)

I've been busy making papers for work since the school holiday's finally over.
3 weeks ago we went for our monthly check up at Husada Utama,
the baby was estimated 18 - 20 cm long ( we forgot to ask about the weight ),
and it was predicted to be a boy.
I gained 1,5 kg since April so this is quite an improvement :)
Got some food cravings, like noodle and steak, also very fond of food with clear soup like: suki, udon, sayur bayam, dll.
No more morning sickness and complaints.
Since a few days ago, I can already feel the baby movements in my belly.
At first I thought it was just some gas in my tummy,
but the movings became frequent and when I took sometime to really feel it,
yep the baby is moving.
It makes me a little nervous I guess, coz now I can really feel and proove that there's a life inside of me!!
Anyways, daddy is pretty excited about the whole thing,
and as we were informed that the baby may be a boy,
daddy was thinking of another name (still has something to do with his fav.)
Trafford Bagaskara Winata
What do you think?

Monday, June 2, 2008

Down with Flu

I'm sorry baby,
I cannot take care of myself better....
Last Saturday I did some spring cleaning in school as we're going to have a long holiday soon,
I guess I was too tired and exposed to much dust.
And the result was I was down with a bad cold,
body temperature raised to 37 celcius and unable to sleep at all.
I hope I can get better soon....

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Another visit to the doctor

Right on our birthdays (19th and 20th),
we went to visit our chosen obgyn (at last we decided to choose him) dr. Santoso Kusumowidagdo, to do our monthly check up.
Still have to do the USG to check on the embryo and the 5 cm lump I have in my womb.
What we got was really amazing,
the lump's size was decreasing into about 3 cm in 2 weeks time,
and when it came the time to see our precious miracle,
we saw him/her moved/jumped TWICE!! as if he/she was really excited to be seen by mommy and daddy.
The feeling at that time was so undescribable.....
I hope next month when we do the check up again,
the lump will be decreasing or be gone at all.

Monday, May 12, 2008


Got attacked by a lot of headaches lately :(
Sometimes it's so painful that I couldn't do anything except resting on the bed.

A lot of thinking been going on lately,
have to decide the obgyn that will help and guide us throughout the pregnancy,
choose the hospital that we want to use for birthing....
but still when I wake up in the morning and feel well,
I really am thankful to God for what I've been through,
I really hope that everything goes on just fine,
'coz we are really waiting for the moment to come.

Saturday, May 3, 2008


I can already see the baby's heartbeat,
it's very small and vague but beating good!
Doc said that it's perfect and healthy...
Thank God!

Sunday, April 27, 2008


I have been having this bad cough for 6 six days now,
Been searching and reading the net,
It's not recommended to take any medications in first trimester of my pregnancy,
Especially if the risks are not really worth it.
So I guess I will try to bear with sleepless nights,
and try to consume more healthy food that might help to cure the coughing.

Saturday, April 26, 2008


What are the changes that's obvious in the appx. 7th week?

  • Swollen boobs
  • Hyper-sensitive nipples
  • Thicker lower tummy
  • Food Craving
  • Toilet is now one of the frequently visited place in one day
  • Falling Hair *crying*


One night before we went to bed, we had a small discussion about the baby's name.
We weren't really bothered with the baby's gender 'coz it's just the same for us.
However, after a few names came up into our mind,
we decided if it's a boy, we would name him MANCHESTER SATRIYA WINATA (definitely daddy's choice ^^) and if it's a girl, we would name her PETRA CATTELYA WINATA (we found this pretty name quite some time ago, about 2 years before we got married.....)
So, what do you think?

Sunday, April 20, 2008

6 weeks!

So last Friday (18th April 2008) we went to Siloam Hospital to meet any obgyn available,
to ensure about my pregnancy and stuff.
We met dr. Santoso and he confirmed to us that I'm 6 weeks pregnant! Yay!
When he did the ultrasound check, he showed us that there's a beanlike thing inside my womb,
the size is about 1.6 cm.
It was our first time and it felt amazing, knowing that it's gonna grow into a baby after a period of time.
So at last he gave us med prescription of folic acid and something called Preabor to strenghten my womb.
We are supposed to go back and see him in about a month time.
Hopefully everything goes on fine....

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Unforgettable Moment

Yesterday morning at around 5 am,
I took the urine test using SENSITIF testpack.
And the result was: 2 lines, which means POSITIVE.
It was hard to believe at first,
but when we came to our senses,
it was the greatest moment.....
We are now anxious and nervous about the whole thing,
but of course we can't wait for this new miracle to brighten our world.